While I think it would be amazing for Universities to offer specific classes on racially diverse music and how other cultures have effected western music throughout history, ideally the entire structure of music theory taught today would be re-written to include all of that. The fact that most music classes I’ve ever taken have almost exclusively used musical examples from middle aged white men is astounding considering the huge and unique contributions other cultures have had on music as we know it today. Where as in todays world we are constantly surrounded by music created by non white folk, I mean hip hop is the most popular style of current music clearly there is something more to be learned about there. By excluding examples and learnings about non white music through history, we are basically saying that non white music doesn’t contain anything worth learning about and that the work did not effect western music enough to know about it. This in an injustice. By doing this we are pushing the idea that if you are not a white, privileged person of society, what you have to say does not matter and the work you do is irrelevant even if it effects the way music will progress after you. There will always be a Bach or a Beethoven to swoop in and be heard. There must be a radical change in the way music history/theory is taught. There should be more emphasis on cultural significance in all genres (specifically classical music), less examples and assignments based on the same three white male composers, and more perspectives considered entirely.
November 3, 2020