After looking at the list of things included on the golden record project, I concluded that there was a large, well rounded selection of sounds and music highlighting human life. However, they missed some key parts of the animal kingdom. My first thought was to include a segment about Donald Trump, (possibly the 2020 presidential debate?) but I decided that would be too humiliating to show extra-terrestrial life. Instead I chose the sounds of three animals that I find to be very important and powerful in this world.
The roar of a Lion
Possibly one of the most loud and frightening sounds, a lion’s roar is important to include because the ETs should know about the threats to humanity. The livings things on our planet that could take one of us out at any moment.
The click of a Bat
Echolocation (AKA bio sonar) is used by a select few mammals and birds to decipher the environment around them. These animals emit a range of sounds to do this, but bats use a high pitch clicking sound. Aliens should be made aware of this evolutionary phenomenon.
The purr of a Kitten
This is one of the few sounds that brings (most) humans instant happiness and excitement upon hearing it. The gentle purr of a cat is relaxing and adorable, and definitely something that aliens should hear when learning about Earth.